Local Resources

If you are new to the Rock Creek Fall Fair, or it's been a while since your last visit, you might be wanting to know about some of the other services available in the Rock Creek and Boundary area.
We understand how important it is to have all of that information in one spot, so we put together some of these resources below to help you better plan your trip and hopefully answer some of your questions.

Arosa Guest Ranch - B&B/Camping - Bridesville, BC - (778) 233-7789
Fossen's Guest Ranch - Rock Creek, BC - (250) 528-0271
Gold Dust Motel, Rock Creek, BC - (250) 446-2222
Home on the Ranch, Rock Creek, BC - (250) 809-6883
Johnstone Creek Provincial Park - East of Bridesville
Kettle River Recreation Area (BC Parks)
Kettle River RV Park - RV Park - Rock Creek, BC - (250) 446-2225
Kettle Valley Villas - RV Sites/Villas - Rock Creek, BC - (250) 449-8323
Mountain Valley Ranch - Rock Creek, BC - (250) 446-2805
The Old Cowboy Ranch Camping & Guesthouse - Westbridge, BC -
(250) 446-6808
River View Cabins - Rock Creek, BC - (250) 446-6808
Rock Creek Hotel - Rock Creek, BC - (250) 446-2000
Rock Creek Station- Rock Creek, BC - (250) 212-1351
Riverside Camping- Rock Creek, BC - (250) 869-7515
Summit RV Resort - Anarchist Mt. Summit - (250) 533-1111 RV & Tent sites
Midway Mobile Home & RV Park - (250) 449-2739
Mile 0 Motel - (250) 449-2828
Boundary Creek Motel & RV Park - (250) 445-6641
Boundary Creek Provincial Park - Camping
Evening Star Motel - (250) 445-6733
Greenwood Motel & RV Park - (250) 445-6363
Night Sky Campground & RV Park (780) 814-2935 - Website: nightskycampground.ca

Husky Gas - Gas/Snacks/Tubing Supplies - (250) 446-2222
Rock Creek General Store & Petro Canada - Groceries/ATM//Liquor -
(250) 446-2722
Rock Creek Medical Clinic - (250) 446-2272
Rock Creek Station - Groceries, Gifts, Firewood & more - (250) 212-1351
Rock Creek Trading Post - Coffee & Food - (250) 449-8333
Canada Post - in Rags, Relics & Rutabagas
Rock Creek Visitor Information Centre (250) 446-2975
The Spot by BBFD - Gas/Snack/Supplies - (250) 449-2345
Mile 0 Diner - Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner - (250) 449-2828
Keg & Kettle - (236) 354-0024
McMynn's Family Foods - Full Service Grocery/Liquor Outlet - (250) 449-2242
IDA Boundary Pharmacy - (250) 449-2388
Midway Medical Clinic - (250) 449-2218
Two Cowboys HQ - (403) 605-8343
Copper Eagle Cappuccino & Bakery - (250) 445-6121
Deadwood Junction - Coffee/Food/Arts/Crafts - (250) 445-2255
Heritage Savings and Credit Union - (250) 445-9900
Greenwood Groceries - General Store - (236) 353-0023
Boundary Hospital - (250) 443-2100
7649 - 22nd Street
Grand Forks, BC V0H 1H2

Rags, Relics & Rutabagas - (250) 446-2171
Rock Creek Market - Saturdays (May-Oct) 9am-1pm
Rock Creek Trading Post - (250) 449-8333
Rock Creek Station - Groceries, Gifts, Firewood & more - (250) 212-1351
Sara's Curio Emporium - (250) 449-5258
Buck & Up - (250) 445-9991
Canco (250) 445-9911
Route 3 Print Studio & Gifts (250) 584-5512